Monday, March 18, 2013


Dear Internet,

On a related note, I might be adopting this dog soon. I sure hope so. I have been wanting to get one since I moved here but since I wasn't sure what I was doing next, etc., I didn't think it was a great idea. But, my defenses are breaking down, plus I just decided that I'll be in Montana for another year and a half anyway! Also, Will kept talking me out of getting a dog.... but then he met this guy... and his defenses broke down too. So we are all in!
His name is Tate.
Right now we are waiting on the Humane Society to approve the application I dropped off last week. Hopefully they don't mind that I have roommates and not a real house and let me have Tate anyway. In the meantime, I have been looking at lots of pictures of dogs on the Internet, psyching myself up for it. This list of dog animations is HILARIOUS, and so is this video. Enjoy! For more cute pictures of puppies, you can also look at my Pinterest account.

I'll keep you updated!
xoxo Liz

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