Saturday, May 26, 2012

Weeks in Photos

Dear Internet,

So there's not a ton to say about the past few weeks... so here are some photos to do my talking for me! Enjoy!

Roaring River 10-day rotation: burn piles in 90-degree heat.
Kind of awesome anyway.

Roaring River: War Paint Wednesday. Applied with ash
from the fires, naturally. Observe savages (from left to right)
me, Kendall, Samuel, Clare, Cody, and Saul.

Roaring River: War Paint Wednesday. Horribly awkward family
photo: Clare, Samuel, and Kendall (top row), and me, Saul, and
Cody (bottom row).

Roaring River: a day off in Eureka Springs, AK.
We visited Christ of the Ozarks, a 65.5-foot-high
statue of Jesus. We posed like Him for the photo.

Mark Twain State Park: after a few hours of felling cedars on
Monday afternoon.
Mark Twain State Park: Friday afternoon. We cut everything down.

Mark Twain State Park: Probably the most horrible tree ever:
a black locust. This is the tree that sent a spike through
my foot here. I got to cut them down! Some of those spikes
were as long as my forearm. Sorry I couldn't make the picture
spin around. Tilt your heads.

Mark Twain State Park: Nasty black locust tree spikes.

Mark Twain State Park: My friend Jena took this
picture of me and Will at the housing for
Mark Twain one evening. I like :)

Ok that's all for now!!

xoxo Liz

Add this to the last post: a Soulard institution, the Barcycle.