Dear Internet,
For one thing, some of you might know that "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" did its finale episode this season in Joplin. Seven houses in seven days for seven families - wow! That episode aired on Friday, and all us Joplin AmeriFolk spent two hours that evening watching the show at a bar downtown.
It was quite the experience, seeing the place I've lived for the last month on national television. The families' stories were very moving, but I couldn't help but think of all the other people who deserved the help just as much. There's just never quite enough to go around, is there? The houses that were built are very nice, but it's strange to see them surrounded by... nothing. The neighborhood around them is still full of empty lots and skeletal trees.
Exciting thing number two: a visit from Travis, an AmeriCorps alum from last year! Travis started his year last January and went to Montana with us in the fall (he was one of those eight who stayed late with me), but his term of service ended in November. After spending some time in Florida, he was on his way to Colorado and stopped by to see us. It was fantastic to see him again, even for just a short visit!
Exciting thing number three: three ERT guys, including Will, came down from St Louis to do a lot of tree work (read: chainsawing - some people get all the fun) for us! This is awesome not only because it clears a lot of items off our "tree work" list, but also because I get to see Will again for the weekend. This makes me very happy :)
Exciting thing number four: I tore down a house!! This might seem like a weird statement... it's kind of mean, right? It still freaks me out when people come into the office and thank us for demolishing their houses. But so many of these houses were so damaged by the tornado that they became dangerous to leave standing. If anyone is going to rebuild, the house has to come down. We've been doing a lot of demos lately.
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The house before I tore the rest of it down - Ali did the first part of it last week. |
However, I don't always get to do them! One of our volunteers, Chuck, rigged up his old truck with some chains and hooks, and I got to drive it to pull down this little house on the edge of town. It was AWESOME. I hardly watched where I was going, I was so absorbed in looking behind me to watch as the truck ripped 2x4s and later the cast iron bathtub loose. Eventually, with a mighty creak, the whole house collapsed on itself. Incredible! What an experience.
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The house after I destroyed it. Don't get on my bad side. |
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Chuck, me, Ali, and Warren on the roof of what used to be a house. |
Exciting thing number five: Concerned family members, you might want to stop reading. You won't like this. But I do: I got a tattoo! It's two swallows on my left shoulder blade. Swallows are an old sailor tattoo, they got them after sailing 5,000 nautical miles. It's a land bird, so it symbolizes coming home; or, for me, making a home wherever you are. I've been lucky to travel quite a bit in my life, and it has taught me a lot. So that's what the swallows mean for me. Plus they are PRETTY.
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My tattoo. This was a very awkward photo to take, but I'm pleased with how the tat turned out! |
Exciting thing number six: We finally went to the volunteer house featured in that article I posted earlier! It's signed by volunteers from all over, but the weather is starting to get to it so apparently the city is planning to plastic wrap it, transfer it to a tennis court for storage, and eventually put it in a museum. So we got to it first and it was awesome.
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Some signatures from volunteers at the Volunteer House |
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The front stoop |
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From Katrina survivors |
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The whole house, from the back |
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Me, Amelia, and Ali - committed to Joplin |
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A thank-you for volunteers :) |
Then two less exciting things: first, Ali and Cody headed back to St Louis yesterday. My friends Warren, Amelia, and Ivy are here to replace them, and those three are great - but I was glad to spend the holiday season with Ali and Cody and I'll miss them. But, I'll be heading back to St Louis myself by the end of this week, so it's all right.
Secondly, FEMA has changed the paperwork they want us to do in order to confirm volunteers' hours several times now since I've been working on this project. It's confusing and boring, but worth millions of dollars for Joplin. So we trudge onward.
These last few days have been pretty fantastic, but I think the rest of the week will be back to boring old business as usual. But I have my own trip back to St Louis to look forward to. Joplin has been great but I am really looking forward to getting back on projects with everyone else and seeing them all on the weekends. Can't wait!
xoxo, Liz